Realigning People to Evolve with the Business

Talent Assessment

Talent Assessment

At Pecos, we use two different sets of talent assessments to help us understand the “why” behind people’s behavior. EQI and MCORE are tools we use to gain a comprehensive view of the whole person. When these systems are combined, it gives us a holistic understanding of people from a foundational level; uncovering their emotional intelligence and core motivations. By combining results from EQI and MCORE we increase the likelihood of transformational change within your organization on both the individual and team level.

Emotional Intelligence

Over 25 years of research about contributing factors to success has shifted strongly held perceptions about intelligence.  These years of study have named and identified the “intangibles” that predict success in the workplace, now known as our emotional intelligence.  Emotional Intelligence (EQ) explains why, despite equal intellectual capacity, training, or experience, some people excel while others of the same caliber lag behind.  At the risk of oversimplifying it, emotional intelligence is a measure of our ability to successfully interact with our environment. 

In the academic and working world, much of our emphasis has been placed on intellect (IQ).  The focus has been on the analytical, factual, and measured reasoning power that IQ represents.  Make no mistake, intellect has proven invaluable to drive our success in education and business.  However, to get to the next and higher level of competence, we must blend the progress that we’ve made using intellect with the invaluable competencies of EQ.  EQ contributes to our improved proficiency in successfully managing complex business activities such as conflict resolution, planning and decision-making. 

EQ defines how we manage ourselves and how we relate to others.  It exists at the core of who we are and impacts all aspects of our lives.  It has been proven to be a key predictor of success.   

We are equipped to help people increase their emotional intelligence, adding immense benefit to your individual employees along with your teams. Our process helps people increase awareness of emotions, the way they express these to others, and use interpersonal skills such as decision-making and stress management in their role.


Each of us has a distinct structure of personality that describes what gives us a sense of meaning and purpose.  This structure, or pattern, is our core motivation (MCORE).   Tapping into one’s MCORE brings exceptional performance, energy and drive to whatever one is focusing on. Our core motivation is comprised of our “love to do’s”. While everyone has many things they can do, there is a much smaller set of activities that they “love to do.” Understanding and utilizing your MCORE is a powerful tool for improving job-fit, assisting individual development and encouraging leadership development. It is a highly successful tool to utilize in understanding team members, therefore improving team dynamics, and team performance.

MCORE describes the central themes of the pattern of motivation in each person.  In understanding this pattern, individuals can then:

·      improve their self awareness; they can understand why they perform the way they do

·      improve team performance and insights into others colleagues motivations

·      understand the “shadow side” of their motivation and work to self regulate and avoid possible missteps

·      predict how they will perform in future situations

·      target environments, situations and relationships that will help maximize their natural motivations and strengths.

·      improve their engagement and performance in work by aligning with what is naturally meaningful and significant: therefore giving their “best stuff”

MCORE is derived from SIMA® (The System for Identifying Motivated Abilities) and over 50 years of empirical research.  It has been validated according the highest standards of the American Psychological Association for assessments.